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Large format lenses
Schneider Kreuznach



We offer the whole spectrum of the famous LF-lenses made by SCHNEIDER KREUZNACH



Cooke Series XVa Convertible
for 8x10" large format photography
    Focal lengths:
  • 645 mm (front cell only)
  • 476 mm (back cell only)
  • 311 mm (front + back)
  • Color balanced for today ’s film stocks.
  • Renowned Cooke multicoating.
  • No flaring.
  • No ghosting.
  • Dynamic Scale Ring


Three easily readable f stop scales on one dialable ring for the three lens combinations (front + back, front only, back only). The ring easily attaches to any Copal #3 shutter.


Combine your first XVa lens with a second XVa lens for two additional focal length combinations:365 mm (front + front and 271 mm (back + back).

Cooke Portrait PS945 Soft Focus Lens

229mm, f/4.5 for 4x5 Large Format Photography

This lens is a modern reproduction of the vintage Pinkham & Smith Visual Quality Series IV Soft Focus Lens used by early 20th century master impressionist photographers.

Cooke has reproduced the unique performance of these hand-rubbed lenses using modern design techniques to duplicate the unique, velvety, yet high-resolution performance exactly.

Use the Cooke PS945 to capture portraits, fashion, still lifes, landscapes, weddings and for artistic experimentation.


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